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Current Media 


Inspiring inclusion: Rady Reflections on

International Women’s Day

Published in UM Today on March 7, 2024


To celebrate 2024's International Women's Day,

the University of Manitoba asked members of the 

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences community to reflect on this year's theme of "inspiring inclusion". Dr. Sanchez-Ramirez shared what this means for her in terms of inspiring and empowering women to engage in leadership.


Read the full article here:                              

CTV News: Pilot Study on Post-COVID Outcomes

CTV Morning News on March 17, 2022


Interviewed by Rachel Legace, Dr. Sanchez-Ramirez discusses a pilot study evaluating the effects of a rehabilitation program on the recovery of post-COVID symptoms, and the Manitoba-based study looking to help those living with the condition.


Watch the Full Interview Here:                                

Respiratory Rehab At Home

Published in RadyUM Research Issue, Summer 2021


Dr. Sanchez-Ramirez was highlighted in this article outlining her research efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, which coincided simultaneously at the start of her appointed as Associate Professor at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Manitoba. 


Read the full article here: 

  1. Sarmento, A; Adodo, R; Hodges, G; Webber, S; Sanchez-Ramirez, DC. Virtual pulmonary rehabilitation approaches in patients with post COVID syndrome: A pilot study.
    Available here.

  2. Pommer, A; Sarmento A., Singer, A; Loewen, H; Torres-Castro, R; Sanchez-Ramirez, DC. Virtual assessment and management of chronic cough: A scoping review. Digital Health.
    Available here.

  3. Sarmento, A; King, K; Sanchez-Ramirez DC. Using remote technology to engage patients with interstitial lung diseases in a home exercise program: a pilot study. Life 2024.
    Available here

  4. Pommer, A; Halas, G; Mendis, R; Campbell, C; Semenko, B; Stadnyk, B; Thalman, L; Mair, S; Johnston, N; Sun, E; Sanchez-Ramirez, DC. Reaching out to patients with Long COVID to better understand their life experiences and how to support their recovery. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2024; 21, 187.
    Available here

  5. Kosowan L.; Sanchez-Ramirez DC; Katz A. Understanding Long COVID Syndrome symptoms and healthcare use among community-based populations. BMJ Open. 2024 Jan 12;14(1):e075301.
    Available here.

  6. Caicedo-Trujillo, S.; Torres-Castro, R.; Vasconcello-Castillo, L.; Solis-Navarro, L.; Sanchez-Ramirez, DC.; Nunez-Cortes, R.; Vera-Uribe, R.; Munos-Munoz, I.; Barros-Poblete, M.; Romero, JE.; Vilaro, J. Respiratory muscle training in patients with obesity: A systematic Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Nov 27;10:1284689. 
    Available here

  7. Larrateguy S; Vinagre J; Londero F; Dabin J; Ricciardi E; Jeanpaul S; Torres-Castro R; Núñez-Cortés R; Sanchez-Ramirez DC; Gimeno-Santos H; Blanco I. Clinical variables related to functional capacity and exertional desaturation in patients with COVID-19. Biomedicines 2023, 11, 2051.
    Available here.

  8. Angarita-Fonseca A.; Torres-Castro R.; Benavides V.; Chero S.; Morales M.; Hernandez B.; Salazar R.; Larrateguy S.; Sanchez-Ramirez DC. Exploring long COVID condition in Latin America: its impact on patients’ activities and associated healthcare use. Front. Med 2023. April 20:10:1168628.
    Available here.

  9. Nagel, D., Naccarato, T; Philip, M; Ploszay, V; Winkler, J; Sanchez-Ramirez, DC; Penner, J. Understanding student-run health initiatives in the context of community-based services: A concept analysis and proposed definitions. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health 2022, 13.
    Available here

  10. Campos C; Prokopich S; Loewen, H. Sanchez-Ramirez DC. Exploring the impact of long COVID-19 in children and adolescents: a systemic review of the literature and meta-analyses.  Healthcare 2022.
    Available here

  11. Sanchez-Ramirez DC; Pol, M; Loewen, H; Choukou, M.A. Effect of telemonitoring and telerehabilitation on physical activity, exercise capacity, health-related quality of life and healthcare use in patients with chronic lung diseases or COVID-19: a scoping review.  Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2022.
    Available here.

  12. Sanchez-Ramirez DC; Kosowan, L; Singer, A. Management of cough in patients with idiopathic interstitial lung diseases in primary care. Chronic Respiratory Disease, April 2022.
    Available here.

  13. Sanchez-Ramirez DC. Impact of Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services in Patients with Different Lung Diseases. Journal of Clin. Med, Jan 2022.
    Available here.

  14. Choukou A; Sanchez-Ramirez DC; Pol M; Uddin M; Syed-Abdul S. COVID-19 infodemic and digital health literacy in vulnerable populations: a scoping review. Digital Health, Jan 2022.
    Available here

  15. Sanchez-Ramirez, DC; Kosowan, L; Katz, A; Singer, A; Polimeni, C. Increasing likelihood of prescribing recommended lipid management: Primary care providers’ participation in cardiology continuing medical education. Canadian Family Physician. 2022; 68(1):39-46.

  16. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Normand K, Yang Z, and Torres-Castro R. Long-term impact of COVID-19: A systemic review of the literature and meta-analysis. Biomedicines, Jul 2021.
    Available here.

  17. Pizarro-Pennarolli C, Sanchez-Rojas C, Torres-Castro R, Vera-Uribe R, Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Vasconcello-Castillo L, Solis-Navarro L, Rivera-Lillo G. Assessment of daily living in post COVID-19: a systematic review. PeerJ (2021).
    Available here.

  18. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Mackey D. Underlying respiratory diseases, specifically COPD, and smoking are associated with severe COVID-19 outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Respiratory Medicine (2020) Sep; 171:106096.
    Available here.



Published Reports

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Advocating for Long COVID Rehabilitation in Manitoba: An Environmental Scan.

By the Manitoba Academic Rehabilitation Sciences COVID Interest Group (MARSCI), University of Manitoba, 2022.


This report, organized by the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba, sought to acknowledge the emerging international guidance recommendations that policy makers address long-COVID through a multidisciplinary approach, including interprofessional rehabilitation services. â€‹With this in mind, the MARSCI group conducted an environmental scan to support and make recommendations for long-COVID management in Manitoba.


Their objectives were to:

  1. Identify policy for management of Long COVID

  2. Learn about the concerns and advocacy priorities of people with lived experiences of Long COVID, and

  3. Gather information on current Long COVID services in Manitoba​

Click here for the results of this collaboration and the full report: 

Previous Publications

  1. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Chen Y, Randall JR, Sporidis L, Svenson L, Voaklander B, Voaklander D. Injury-related health services use and mortality among Métis people in Alberta. Canadian Jounal of Public Health. 110(4):422-429.

  2. Sanchez-Ramirez, DC; Kosowan, Leanne; Singer, Alex. Exploring the implementation of clinial practice guidelines and choosing wisely recommendations in the care of patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Manitoba. Canadian Jounal of Diabetes. 43(7):498-503.

  3. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Polimineli C. Knowledge and implementation of current opioid guidelines among healthcare providers. J. of Opiod management. 2019; 15(1).

  4. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Long H, Stephanie M, Casey H. Obesity Education for front-line Healthcare Providers. BMC Medical Education. 2018; 18(1):278. 

  5. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Jones A., Voaklander D. Fall-related injury among people with arthritis, a concern among different age groups. Journal of Epidemiological Research 2018; 4 (1):9-15.

  6. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Franklin R, Voaklander D. Perceptions about alcohol harm and alcohol-control strategies among people with high risk of alcohol consumption in Alberta and Queensland. J Prev Med Public Health 2018;51(1)41.

  7. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Voaklander D. The impact of policies regulating alcohol trading hours and days on specific alcohol-related harm: A systematic review. Inj Prev. 2017 June 24.  doi: 10.1136/injuryprev-2016-042285.

  8. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Franklin R, Voaklander D. Hazardours Alcohol Use in 2 Countries: A comparison between Alberta, Canada and Queensland, Australia. J Prev Med Public Health. 2017 Sep; 50:311-319.

  9. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Colquhoun A, Parker S, Randall J, Svenson LW, Voaklander D. Cancer incidence and mortality among the Metis population of Alberta, Canada. Int J Circumpolar Health 2016;75:30059.

  10. Yiannakoulias N, Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Svenson LW, Voaklander D. A cohort of regional migration and the risk of attempted suicide and violent assault injury. Injury Prevention. May 2016. DOI: 10.1136/injuryprev-2015-041932. 

  11. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Malfait B, Baert I, van der Leeden M, van DJ, Lems WF, et al. Biomechanical and neuromuscular adaptations during the landing phase of a stepping-down task in patients with early or established knee osteoarthritis. The Knee 2016 Jun;23(3):367-75.

  12. de Rooij M, van der Leeden M, Heymans MW, Holla JF, Hakkinen A, Lems WF, Roorda LD, Veenhof C, Sanchez-Ramirez DS, de Vet HC, Dekker J. Prognosis of pain and physical functioning in patients with knee osteoarthritis: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken ) 2016 Apr;68(4):481-92.

  13. de Rooij M, van der Leeden M, Heymans MW, Holla JF, Hakkinen A, Lems WF, Roorda LD, Veenhof C, Sanchez-Ramirez DS, de Vet HC, Dekker J. Course and predictors of pain and physical functioning in patients with hip osteoarthritis: Systematic review and meta-analysis. J Rehabil Med 2016 Mar 1;48(3):245-52.

  14. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, van der Leeden M, van der Esch M, Roorda LD, Verschueren S, van DJ, et al. Increased knee muscle strength is associated with decreased activity limitations in established knee osteoarthritis: Two-year follow-up study in the Amsterdam osteoarthritis cohort. J Rehabil Med 2015 Aug 18;47(7):647-54.

  15. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, van der Leeden M, van der Esch M, Roorda LD, Verschueren S, van Dieen JH, et al. Elevated C-reactive protein is associated with lower increase in knee muscle strength in patients with knee osteoarthritis: a 2-year follow-up study in the Amsterdam Osteoarthritis (AMS-OA) cohort. Arthritis Res Ther 2014;16(3):R123.

  16. Holla JF, Sanchez-Ramirez DC, van der Leeden M, Ket JC, Roorda L, Lems W, Steultjens, Dekker J. The avoidance model in knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review of the evidence. J Behav Med 2014 Dec;37(6):1226-41.

  17. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, Krasnik A, Kildemoes HW. Do immigrants from Turkey, Pakistan and Ex-Yugoslavia with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes initiate recommended statin therapy to the same extent as Danish-born residents? A nationwide register study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2013 Jan;69(1):87-95.

  18. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, van der Leeden M, van der Esch M, Gerritsen M, Roorda LD, Verschueren S, et al. Association of serum C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate with muscle strength in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2013 Apr;52(4):727-32.

  19. Sanchez-Ramirez DC, van der Leeden M, Knol DL, van der Esch M, Roorda LD, Verschueren S, et al. Association of postural control with muscle strength, proprioception, self-reported knee instability and activity limitations in patients with knee osteoarthritis. J Rehabil Med 2013 Feb;45(2):192-7.

© 2020

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